Monday, September 5, 2016

So, some updates since last week.

We had a quiet Shabbat, since Revital was sick. She actually stayed home from school on Sunday Shabbat afternoon, there was a big Segal siblings get together at formerly Teaneck Segal's house, with all of the Modi'in siblings getting together. It was motivation for me to actually cook something for the first time. I made a couple of salads, requiring an insane trip to the supermarket on Friday morning. Apparently, I chose the biggest zoo of a store. It took me an hour and a half. But it had the benefit of allowing me to meet a former colleague there (Dina Rabhan), which was fun.

I went out to the mall 20 minutes after Shabbat to look for a book for Revi (since she was super neevous about not having all of her stuff). This is the line behind me after about 10 minutes.

 I stayed pretty close to home on Sunday, since rev was home sick. 
Yesterday was my first day of school. He was my first day of school picture.
 I really love the program. The first day was really hard, both because my skills are a little rusty and because everybody else is already into the program for a year and is exactly what's expected of them. But just like my kids, I have a lot to adjust to. I hope I can model resiliency in plowing through it. I also plan on using a chunk of time today to review and prayer for tomorrow so that I can Jump Right In. Although I also plan on enjoying this unexpected gift of a few hours to myself. I think I'm going to get together with Shulamis (roommate before Ari). And also work on reviewing my material. I also think I'm going to do something that I am fundamentally against, which is bringing Rev her pencil case that she forgot at home, just because I know that she has enough anxiety as it is. 
Also yesterday, Lehava learned how to ride the bus. Robin, an old friend and gifted teacher, is going to be working with her in the afternoon and showed her how to use the bus. She is a godsend and really gets Hava. She will also be taking charge of the others and working with them after school. She is fostering a therapy dog (beginning of  its training -she is only 5 months old), which is super cool. The other kids are also starting their after-school activities this week. So far, we have gymnastics, ceramic, running, Dance, science and social studies enrichment that are going to be tried out. (The last one taught by ANOTHER old friend and roommate, Pesha).
Signing off now so I can get some work done.

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